By Majur Chol Khor 

In a recent development, the statement made by USA Senator Peter Welcoh urging the South Sudan Troika group (comprising the USA, UK, and Norway) to support the Tumaini peace initiative in Nairobi, Kenya, has garnered positive responses. Mr. Edmund Yakani, the Executive Director of CEPO, welcomed this crucial appeal as he highlighted the importance of international support for stability in South Sudan.

Mr. Yakani emphasized the critical nature of Senator Welcoh’s call, especially considering the ongoing power struggles among South Sudan’s political leaders since 2013. He noted that the citizens of South Sudan have been bearing the brunt of these internal conflicts, either through looting or violence, highlighting the urgent need for a sustainable peace process.

As an advocate for the empowerment of South Sudanese citizens, CEPO is urging the Troika group to stand firmly with the people of South Sudan by supporting the Tumaini Peace Process. This initiative seeks to not only facilitate peace but also enable citizens to hold their leaders accountable for their actions, aiming for a more transparent and responsible governance system.

Furthermore, Mr. Yakani warned of the consequences of failing to uphold the Tumaini Peace Process, citing early warning indicators across the country that point towards a potential return to conflict. With over 50% of the nation already grappling with climate change-induced challenges like floods and droughts, the situation could worsen if peace efforts are not prioritized.

In light of these pressing concerns, the proactive stance taken by USA Senator Peter Welcoh in advocating for the support of the Tumaini Peace Process is not just a political move but a demonstration of humanity. By rallying for international assistance in ensuring the success of the peace initiative, Senator Welcoh’s call resonates with the shared goal of fostering stability and progress in South Sudan.

efforts for peace and reconciliation have been squandered by the warlords in power. It is crucial that we seize this opportunity to support the people of South Sudan in their quest for peace, democracy, and economic development.

As Senator Peter Welch emphasized, the Tumaini Initiative must be approached with transparency and clarity of goals to ensure its success. The initiative should reflect the desires of the South Sudanese people, who have repeatedly called for a transition in leadership and a path towards democratic elections where corrupt leaders do not participate.

Moreover, the restructuring of South Sudan’s security apparatus is vital to establish a cohesive and accountable military that serves the interests of the nation rather than political factions. A new security structure with a clear mandate to protect the sovereignty of South Sudan and remain apolitical is essential for lasting stability.

The culture of impunity that has plagued South Sudan must also be addressed through judicial reforms and accountability mechanisms. War crimes and human rights violations must be prosecuted to ensure justice for the victims and deter future atrocities.

Moving forward, the focus should be on supporting the development of a new Constitution that empowers democratic institutions and guarantees the rights of all citizens. A broad-based political dialogue, facilitated by the Tumaini Initiative and backed by the Troika countries, can pave the way for constitutional reforms that strengthen governance and uphold the rule of law.

In conclusion, the Tumaini Initiative represents a pivotal moment for South Sudan to break free from the cycle of violence and corruption that has hindered its progress. With concerted international support and a genuine commitment to the aspirations of the South Sudanese people, there is hope for a brighter future ahead.